❖❖❖ It's a Celebration ❖❖❖

I've been meaning to start on my Daughter's graduation announcements....{why didn't I just have her order them from the school??!!!}.

Nothing like procrastinating and mass producing.

Her High School colors are blue and gold...The Turquoise Fresh ink is thee perfect shade of blue!  I knew I wanted to use my new WPlus9 Written on Ribbon set for her announcements.

The gold 'dots' are ala a foam adhesive circle on the tip of a Sharpie pen inked up with gold paint...A McGyver on my part as I couldn't figure out what else to do...no pencil erasers in sight!

Then I switched up the tag to the same cardstock as the base, Stampin' Up Basic Gray:

Gah, too bad I ran out of the cardstock...that's okay, variety is the spice of life.

Thanks for stoppin' by!!!!


Cardstock:  Stampin' Up Basic Gray/Basic Black
Stamps:  WPlus9 Written on Ribbon & Impress Confetti dots
Ink:  WPlus9 white, Impress Turquoise Fresh Ink
other:  FolkArt gold paint
Silhouette:  Luggage Tag