Fusion: celebrate #42

It's Fusion Friday!

We're up to challenge #17:

So what inspires you?

Here's what I came up with:

I gotta tell you, this is version 4.  I was having a heck of a time stamping that bloom for some reason.

I was inspired by the photo.  I love stamping on top of text but um, I went through my text panel that I originally wanted to use and then proceeded to go through 2 additional diner ticket panels...all panels were compliments of Jenni Bowlin.  It's amazing what kind of stash you find when you are forced to clean :)  

Gotta share a funny story.  This card was in my light tent when Darin stopped into the craft room.  What does he zoom into?  The number 42.

Not the bloom.  Not the awesome Neon Ink.

The number 42.

This is when I insert my lack of sporting knowledge...I'm so NOT a sportser.

Read HERE regarding number 42.

**edited to add additional trivia regarding the number 42 and THIS, yes, from Darin again.

Be sure to check out my Fusion teamies:

How are you inspired?