sweet gnomie friend & Seasons Givings Blog Hop Winners

I tend to be one of those either or people.

Either you love gnomies, or you don't.

I love them.

I know some people equate them to clowns, which I find scary.

Seriously, how can you NOT love her?

The cardstock/paper = the January Artful Delight card kit.  The white cardstock is PTI.  Twine by Timeless Twine and die from Reverse Confetti.

The gnomie is from the retired Sweet Stamp Shop Gnomies.

I was inspired by the latest

I'm sending this over to Winter for her card drive!

Were you able to hop through all the blogs that participated in the Seasons Givings Hop?

I really enjoyed reading everybody's comment.  Seems to be a common theme with crafters...use what we have and organize!  I feel great knowing that I'm not alone in my crafting goals!

Here is prize #1

The lucky winner is

I also had 2 boxes of goodies that will be sent to:


My international winner is

Winners have until Sunday, January 12th @ 11:59 pm pacific to claim their prize.  Please email me with your snail mail, my contact information is on my right side bar.