soy happy for you

Happy Mother's Day Weekend!

Here's a fun card that I whipped up last night:

This is the first time I've played with the Lawn Fawn Let's Roll set.  I knew I was going to use that Soy Sauce bottle.  

Here's a super interesting article about the man that designed the bottle/packaging.  Not only did he design that iconic dispenser but he also designed the Akita bullet train and Yamaha motorbikes.

Growing up in a Japanese household there was alway shoyu (sho·yu shoh-yoo) on the table.  Truthfully, I'm not much of a condiment person so I don't use the stuff much.  This is probably when I tell you that I don't eat sushi either, at least any of the raw stuff...I know, I know.  Hard to believe that I'm 2nd generation Japanese, both of my parents were born in Japan. Don't get me wrong, I eat plenty of Japanese food and quite frankly prefer Asian food to anything else.  

I'm playing along with

I did a smidge of stitching to adhere the vellum speech bubble so I'm also playing along with

Do you follow Chaitali's blog, 

She's doing an

Iron Craft Challenge Week

I'm playing along with Inspiration 1:  Trends from Julie


I knew that I wanted to use vellum with the Speech Bubble lets the background stamping still be visible but not overpower the sentiment.

Whew, a bit of multi-tasking, eh?