for you

You may have read earlier on my blog that my daughter is moving into an apartment with two of her friends.  I'm happy for her and have been collecting housewares for her the last week or so....really, it's overflow from what we currently have so it's a win-win.

She will be living across the street from a gigantic, very nice Starbucks {yahoo!} and they even serve non-pastry items, I spotted chicken skewers!  It made me chuckle because who knows what those girls will be eating for meals.

I put this card together for her:

cardstock:  gmund savanna, simon says stamp red cardstock  stamps:  reverse confetti whole lotta dots  ink:  zing white  other:  whisker graphics bitty bag, misc metal flatware

What's nice about her neighborhood is that there are actually a ton of different coffee houses and restaurants..quite the hip happening area of Seattle {sigh}.  

I can easily visit her before/after work which eases my momma mind...but intend to flood her with a bunch of happy mail.

Isn't the flatware FABulous?  I found it when I was digging around for garage sale stuff.   I actually did pretty well, I only took back a handful of things...LOL.

I was inspired by the current 


I obviously played with the photo inspiration:

polkas = check
utensils = check
mini bag = check
red = check
woodgrain = check

Super fun challenge for me!