I'm back with Take Four. I can't believe this is my final day as the Winnie & Walter March Guest Designer! I wanted to give a BIG shout out for Julie & Shay for their kindness and generosity! I have thoroughly enjoyed myself....Winnie & Walter products are FABulous♡
Today's theme: this 'n that
Here on my blog, I'm sharing one of many projects...you'll want to pop over to the Winnie & Walter blog to see all the projects!
Let's get started...no surprises here, a coffee project.
I used a Behr paint chip (thanks michele for the inspiration)...I have several paint chips, more on that later. I love to fussy cut To-Go cups...and I thought the green would be perfect. It makes the, In a Word: Love Cutaway, POP, don't you think? It's been cut with white craft foam. The overall design of the card looks Preppy 80's.
Paint chips...I've got them. I have them because I keep wanting to paint my design studio = craft room. I consider myself fortunate that I have my room {which I've easily out grown} because in my previous home, I was in a hallway. Do you remember that? My poor boy knew how to step over projects that were 'lined up' on the floor in front of his bedroom door like a pro! I had to sneak into his room to plug in my heat gun...LOL, those were the days. It's crazy how much 'stuff' I have...so much of it is still in boxes from the move that I'm doing a massive purge in May. I'm lucky that my community has bi-annual community garage sales...they put up signs and do advertising. I advertise on Craigslist and put up a balloon at the end of the driveway and cross my fingers that I can move my stuff. This year it is May 15 & 16th. If you're a Washingtonian...you should come. I have a couple other bloggers that are joining me so it'll be worth your time.
You'll want to head over to the Winnie & Walter blog because I have a ton of projects over there today...you know, this 'n that!
Remember, I'm going to be giving away a $30 Winnie & Walter Gift card {I'm matching Julie & Shay's!}. It'll work the same way, leave comments on the Winnie & Walter Saturday posts here my personal blog for the month of March and I'll do a random draw for one lucky winner!
You'll want to pop over to the Winnie & Walter blog to check out all my projects and to leave a comment to be eligible for a $30 Winnie & Walter Gift card (thanks Julie & Shay!) give-a-way! I'm going to do a random draw on the comments that are left on the Saturday Leading Lady posts on the Winnie & Walter blog!
Thank YOU so much for all of your support this month...it's been so much fun AND much appreciated.