Reverse Confetti : You're the coolest

So, we're coming close to New Years.  Do you have any resolutions?  I really cringe to say this is a resolution because honestly, I generally fail miserably on those.  I do want to send out more happy mail.  I have a list of people that will get regular cards from me because I want to brighten their days on a consistent basis.  

Here's today's card:

Eep!  Those penguins, so sweet!  They're from the Reverse Confetti S'more Love set.  I used the coordinating Confetti Cuts too.  The patterned paper is from the 6x6 Warm Heart paper pad which has been cut with one of the Edgers Confetti Cuts.

The cardstock is Cloud White + Mist.

I don't use purple much but when I do, I like it 💜

s'more love

s'more love confetti cuts


warm heart


cloud white

My card was inspired by Sunday Stamps: