Reverse Confetti February Blog Hop: Valentine's

Hello and Happy Wednesday!  Today is the 8th which means the Reverse Confetti Crew is hopping!  I have a couple special Valentine's that I made especially for my kids.  I bought some Trader Joe's Candy Coated Chocolate Drops and started creating.

First up is the set for my girl.  She's a coffee-a-holic, donut-a-holic + ice cream-a-holic kind of girl so I went the ice cream route with a sprinkling of coffee.

Starting with the card first, I used a Salsa base and layered a panel from the True Love paper pad.

I used the Topped Off Tag teamed up with the Heart Tag Toppers.  The sentiment is from the Love and Ice Cream set that I altered using the Alphabetical set, I stamped out the word Love on Salsa cardstock.

The Frosted Pillow Box has a belly band of Lime Green cardstock.  I used the Circle Band and cut out a piece from the True Love paper pad.  I layered the ice cream cones from Foodie Fun.

Next up is my Valentine's for the boy:

This kid did and said a bunch of funny things when he was younger.  One of the sweetest things he told me was that he Loves me more than Toast....awwwwwww...Coming from a Carb-centric family, that's a huge thing.

I used the Crazy About You set and added my twist using the Alphabetical set.  I used a plaid panel from the True Love paper pad and added a toast from Foodie Fun.  I wrapped his Frosted Pillow Box with the same plaid panel and topped it off with a vellum scallop circle from Circles 'n Scallops.  I topped off the scallop circle with toasts that have Salsa cardstock jam and Rose stamped 'you're the jam'.  

I can't wait to see what my teamies designed!  Comment for a chance to win, see the Reverse Confetti blog for all the details!

crazy about you

foodie fun

foodie fun confetti cuts


love and ice cream

topped off tag

heart tag toppers

circle band

circles 'n scallops

frosted pillow box

True Love


lime green

rose dye ink