Hello and Happy Wednesday! Today is the 8th which means the Reverse Confetti Crew is hopping! I have a couple special Valentine's that I made especially for my kids. I bought some Trader Joe's Candy Coated Chocolate Drops and started creating.
First up is the set for my girl. She's a coffee-a-holic, donut-a-holic + ice cream-a-holic kind of girl so I went the ice cream route with a sprinkling of coffee.
I used the Topped Off Tag teamed up with the Heart Tag Toppers. The sentiment is from the Love and Ice Cream set that I altered using the Alphabetical set, I stamped out the word Love on Salsa cardstock.
The Frosted Pillow Box has a belly band of Lime Green cardstock. I used the Circle Band and cut out a piece from the True Love paper pad. I layered the ice cream cones from Foodie Fun.
Next up is my Valentine's for the boy:
This kid did and said a bunch of funny things when he was younger. One of the sweetest things he told me was that he Loves me more than Toast....awwwwwww...Coming from a Carb-centric family, that's a huge thing.
I used the Crazy About You set and added my twist using the Alphabetical set. I used a plaid panel from the True Love paper pad and added a toast from Foodie Fun. I wrapped his Frosted Pillow Box with the same plaid panel and topped it off with a vellum scallop circle from Circles 'n Scallops. I topped off the scallop circle with toasts that have Salsa cardstock jam and Rose stamped 'you're the jam'.
I can't wait to see what my teamies designed! Comment for a chance to win, see the Reverse Confetti blog for all the details!