starts to live...& a Whimsy Haven give-a-way!!!

Happy Whimsy Haven Wednesday!!!!

We're going to be doing things a smidge different over the next several weeks. Each Design Team member gets the opportunity to hostess over on the Whimsy Haven blog. Guess, what? I'm first up!!!! So please do me a favor and leave me some love over on the Whimsy Haven blog..more on that in a smidge:)

I love quotes, I tend to collect them and let me tell you, there are a ton out there. I always love the ones that Lindsay picks to use with her I decided to use the Starts to Live one today:

There is something about the color is so fun, happy & bright. Why yes, that is a Jenni Bowlin button...I've been hoarding them like crazy:)

I was inspired by the current CPS sketch...

This card is also for Paige's challenge over on the Cards blog...she's looking for monochromatic goodness:)

Check it out...I get to give-a-way the 'Starts to Live' image!!! I'll keep the commenting open for the give-a-way open until 11:59 pm pdt on Saturday, July 10th. I'll pick a winner using and post it here on Sunday, July 11th. It gets even can get 2 chances to win this fabbie image...I'll be doing a separate give-a-way over on the
Whimsy Haven hop on over there and leave me a comment!!!

Thanks soo much for stoppin' by!!!!