**last call for the Blogs 4 Boobies Blog Fundraiser**

Please make sure you pop over to see my regularly scheduled blog post HERE...

So have you had a chance to view all the fabbie cards for the
Skipping Stones Designs 1st Annual Blogs 4 Boobies Blog Bounce {hop}...every card that is a part of the Bounce is up for a Silent Auction...all funds raised will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Here's my card:

The current high bid is $20 by the oh-so-fabbie Julie Tucker-Wolek...woot woot sista!!!

I know that you all aren't opposed to some...added bonus if you are the highest bidder of my card....I'm adding this to the card:

Not only that...I'll MATCH the winning bid....come on ladies...do it for someone you love...do it for someone that is currently fighting breast cancer...do if for a survivor of breast cancer.....I'm doing it in Memory of my Aunt.

If you're interested in making a bid....pop over to my original blog post HERE...please don't leave a bid on this post...you'll need to go to my original post HERE.

Another way you can help in the fundraising efforts is to spread the word....the Bounce silent auction runs until TONIGHT @ 8 pm Mountain time....the $2 per stamp set donation will run through TONIGHT until midnight.

Here is the list of amazingly talented, and generous designers who are joining with us in our efforts to stamp out Cancer: Day 2 participants:

Kim Hughes - http://paperhugs.typepad.com/paper_hugs/

Kandi Phillips - http://kraftykandikrafts.blogspot.com/

Sharon Harnist – http://paperfections.typepad.com/

Amy Sheffer – http://pickledpaperdesigns.blogspot.com/

Jennifer Buck – http://www.thebuckstampshere.blogspot.com/

Amy Tsuruta - http://tsurutadesigns.blogspot.com/

Tammie Beaton - http://alwaysinking.blogspot.com/

Rae Barthel – http://simplyrae.blogspot.com/

Wendy Jordan - http://papertherapy-wendy.blogspot.com/

Sarah Martina Parker - http://sarahmartina.com/blog/

Lea Lawson - http://leascupcakesandsunshine.blogspot.com/

Teri Anderson - http://terisplace.wordpress.com/

Deb Felts – http://withastampandasong.blogspot.com/

Kimberly Crawford - http://kimberly-crawford.blogspot.com/

Gladys Chia - http://www.gladyschia2010.wordpress.com/

Jen del Muro - http://iheart2stamp.com/

Maile Belles - http://mailebelles.blogspot.com/

Have fun bouncing from blog to blog. Enjoy all the designs, and make a bid or two! This is a rare opportunity to take home a card/project from your favorite designer, and fight the war against breast cancer!!!Here is the list of participants who "bounced" with us on day 1:

Heather Engebretson - http://skippingstonesdesign.blogspot.com/

Barb Turpin - http://barbsboys123.blogspot.com/

Becky Olsen - http://lifeasathreeleggeddog.blogspot.com/

Megan Hoeppner - http://meganhoeppner.blogspot.com/

Kim Kesti - http://kimberlykesti.typepad.com/

Ashley Cannon Newell - http://ashleynewell.blogspot.com/

Angela Thomas - http://sparkleandbling.blogspot.com/

Ann Kranitz - http://stampwithme-ann.blogspot.com/

Shannan Teubner - http://withfeathersandsequins.blogspot.com/

Belinda Chang Langer - http://cadnileb.blogspot.com/

Brenda Weaver - http://sweetpapertreats.wordpress.com/

Jennifer Ingle - http://justjingle.blogspot.com/

Teresa Kline - http://enjoythevasunshine.blogspot.com/

Wendy Price - http://paperinkandsmiles.blogspot.com/

Jodi Collins - http://stampingalatte.blogspot.com/

Thanks again for all your support!