6 years.

Super busy day on my blog....click HERE for my Reverse Confetti Countdown to Confetti post.

Click HERE for my first Artful Delight Card kit post.

Tsuruta Designs.

My blog.

It's been around for 6 years.

6 years people.

I'm sure that I say this every blogaversary but I continue to thoroughly enjoy this blogging journey.  

I've seen a ton of stuff in my 6 years....

new stamp companies 
new challenge blogs  
new bloggers
new babies
high school graduations
college graduations

We've all seen the sad stuff too but I'll be honest with you, my blog is mainly rainbows and unicorns...

With the impact of all the social media, I've noticed an hit on blogs.  Everybody is for instant gratification so Facebook is where it is at.  That being said, I'm happy to say that I'm still blogging away....

I've had the awesome opportunities to be on some fabulous design teams, blog hops etc but when it all comes down to it, it is the Paper Crafting Community that I am so very happy to be a part of.

So here's how my blog started:

I always chuckle at my different phases of photography...

I've decided to feature some of my coffee projects that I've designed and posted to my blog over the years.  They are in no particular order, as you'll be able to tell by the photography.

Here we go:

Seriously, this is just a small sampling of the coffee projects that I've made over the years.

Now to the fun part.


What's a blogaversary without ydnac golb?

If you've been following me for awhile you'll know what I'm talking about.  Let's face it, rainbows & unicorns aside, ydnac golb brings people out of nowhere!

What kind of projects do you tend to gravitate towards?  I'm not talking cards vs scrapbooking...I'm talking like me and coffee or mason jars.  

What about you?

Up for grabs:

(I actually won 2 different copies so I'm paying one forward!)


your choice:


Box 'O Shame

For those of you that remember, I recently moved...combining households is crazy.  I'm combining 2 craft areas into one!  Good Grief, I might have a freakin' amount of crafty goodness and I've already spilled into my DD's room (luckily she lives on the college campus!).  So I'll cram a priority box filled with FAB schtuff....you won't be disappointed!  I can guarantee there will be stuff in there that hasn't even been opened because evidently that's how I roll.  I might have so much stuff that I don't know what I have but let's be honest, aren't we all like that?

Commenting will stay open until Saturday, November 9th @ 11:59 pm pacific daylight savings time.  Winners to be announced on Sunday, November 10th.