Birthday Girl All Over Again... and a Blogger Birthday Shout Out!

I woke up to is almost APRIL and there is snow here...crazy. Tonight we're throwing my dd her "family" party...cousins galore...Three under the age of four {Hi M, M & C!}....Can you tell that I LOVE birthday's? I even Love MY birthday...which by the way, this year it falls on 08/08/08! How super coolio is that? More on that later....

This is the 2nd birthday card that I've made my dd....who can resist anything from Basic Grey? I *love* ALL their stuff!! It cracks me up when I wrap presents in Stampin' Up dd is getting one of those today :) I bet they secretly fear that I'm getting them stamps...hey, that's a good idea [LOL]. I had a heck of a time photographing her card. The vibrant colors were really throwing my camera off...I typically work with a solid white background but that was just not that I look at the photo...that is a really "bright" card. Gotta love Tempting Turquoise, it is such a "happy" color.

Here is a special birthday shout out to.....


May your day be filled with love, laughter and of course, a ton of stamping stuff!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!

Stampin' Up Letterpress Paper: Stampin' Up Tempting Turquoise, Basic Grey Accessories: Circle Scallop Punch, Coluzzle, MAMBI Rhinestone Monogram, Turquoise Grosgrain ala RABOM, Safety Pin