New Discoveries!

I subscribe to Daily Candy . It is a great resource for new restaurants, fashion, new shops....this is how I discovered Paper Delights in the very sweet Seattle Wallingford neighborhood. They seriously know how to put together a beautiful space, it is absolutely amazing...full of chandeliers and gorgeous cards {tons of letterpress}. Here is part of their press release that describes Paper Delights:

Step into this sparkling new store with decadent blue and chocolate Damask wallpaper, and beautiful chandeliers illuminating a dazzling collection of greeting cards, sweet custom invitations to inspire your next party, as well as special delights that treat your senses.

Paper Delights is a Mother/Daughter Duo...but why am I, an avid rubber stamper, going on about this card shop? I found out that the Mother, Kathy Perkins, use to be the owner of Impress! How coolio is that?

Yesterday was Paper Delights' Grand Opening and it was absolutely perfect! My phone was/is having severe technical issues which stinks because I would have taken photos galore!

Last night a couple of my friends {Hi J & M!} and I also checked out Mioposto in the Mount Baker neighborhood. Super cute place...if you have a chance to visit gotta order their lemon tart!