Susan goes by the name One4Joy on Splitcoaststampers. She uploaded her first card in September of 2007.....and let me tell you, I'm so glad that she did. Her cards are filled with stories, creativity and love. She is one of those women that you wish was your next door neighbor so that you could share a pot of coffee sit and chat with....
Susan and I share a a love of chandeliers!
Please check out this beauty she made:
I told her that she was the
Queen of Elegance
Fussy Cutting!!!
Susan is my stamping cheerleader...she motivates me and inspires me.
Quote, here is my quote for the day. I found it on my Starbucks cup awhile back and yes, I rinsed that puppy out and kept it. I actually have it up on my cubicle wall at work. I believe in helping others and **love** this one:
The Way I See It #287
There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.
Madeleine K. Albright
Former Secretary of State and Ambassador to the UN.