I think that I've been blogging since November 2007....I didn't post any pictures, quotes, or projects over the weekend....a first for me. What does that say? I'm really overwhelmed with work and consistently overload my "personal plate". I was just talking about that yesterday with a co-worker...while at work. I long for the "boring life". Nah, boring is bad, boring means there is no creativity or excitement. I am going to go to posting m-f...no weekends...weekends are for catching up on blogs on my Google Reader {how many do YOU all have in your reader??}...being highly creative...and it goes without say, spending time with my kids.Okay, onto my card....
I recently picked up the Basic Grey Recess 6x6 pad and have discovered some gorgeous prints. The last day of school for my kids is a week from tomorrow so I'm busy creating the perfect cards for my son's 2 teachers and finishing up their gifts..more to come on that :) My daughter is finishing up middle school and will be going into junior high so I'm off the hook for her teachers although I did offer...I think the response was "rolling of the eyes"...
paper: basic grey recess, misc black & kraft accessories: slit punch, rabom grosgrain, dymo