Well, my garage sale with my Mom was fairly successful. It was sooo stinkin' hot over the weekend but we stayed nice and cool in my Mom's garage on Saturday. I definitely sold enough to cover what I ended up buying at other garage sales in the neighborhood. One of the women that happened to cruise through my garage sale was commenting about all the people selling scrapbooking things. I casually asked her if there was someone else selling craft things and she let me know that her neighbor had a bunch of things. Much to my delight, it wasn't scrapbooking stuff but stamps! My whole purchase was only $38! The Adirondack inks and daubers are NEW...the daubers were only $1. The black tote in the back is a Scrapbook's companion, fits all my stash in there so that I can bring in my motherload to work and show the gals :)
My friend that I've know since 7th grade recently celebrated her birthday AND graduating with her MBA from the University of Washington. She had mentioned that she would like to go to a restaurant that you needed to "dress up for". Any Washingtonians will know/have heard of the Canlis Restaurant. Can you say "Fancy Smancy"? That is where we had dinner on Saturday night. A majority of the other people were older and seemed to be quite use to their surroundings..I wasn't use to the white glove treatment...Towards the end of our dinner, well, we had already finished dinner but were chatting it up, the MaƮtre de came to our table and asked if we were interested in a tour of the place. I LOVE tours and perked up...the other gals were mumbling that we had to get going...I started to say "Don't you want to go on the tour?" when my friend whispered to me that it was their polite way of saying that we've overstayed our welcome....hmmm...who would have known? Evidently, not me...lolWell, my friend had a ball and that is what is important..it was fun, great excuse to dress up.