I love house boats {reminds me of Sleepless in Seattle}...aren't these the sweetest? The little blue one is simply a-dorable! This was taken in B.C. My kids will cringe when they see this photo....it'll remind them that I told us to walk the wrong direction to catch the water taxi to get over to Granville Island {rolling my eyes}. Oh boy, they weren't happy campers but I have to say that they were troopers to have walked as much as we ended up walking that day...it made that gelato taste that much beh-tah!
This photo was taken by my brother when we were in Japan...it seemed fitting to share this because of being tagged by Angela over at My Asian Heritage:
Think back on the last 15 years of your life. What would you tell someone that you hadn’t seen or talked to for 15 years? How would you sum up your life? You get 10 bullet points. A list of 10 things to summarize you. At the end of your list, tag 5 more people and send on the love.
I went ahead and kept Angela's Asian theme, here's my list of Ten Asian-related tidbits from the last 15 years of my existence.
1) Favorite mini-snack: Rice crackers…
2) Favorite sweets: An Pan, a Japanese sweet bun filled with red bean paste.
3) Favorite Asian country: Japan…okay so it is the only Asian country that I’ve visited but I LOVED it.
4) Favorite drink: Trying to stay in the Asian theme, I’ll say a Starbucks soy Green Tea latte {no melon syrup}.
5) Favorite Asian goodies store: Uwajimaya! Compliments of their website: With over 400 employees Uwajimaya is one of the largest Asian grocery retailers in the Pacific Northwest. Since the beginning Uwajimaya has evolved beyond providing basic grocery staples and become known as a tourist and destination store. Uwajimaya believes good customer service is paramount. Its reputation is built on being known as the information specialist on all things Asian and part of its mission is to educate the customer on all aspects of Asian cultures.
6) Memorable vacation: Going to Japan with my brother…I want to go back with my kids.
7) Memorable work experience: I’ve been working since I was 16 with a 2 year break when the kids were little…I’m sad to say that I don’t have anything that I would say would be a memorable work experience except that I’ve made some wonderful friendships along the way…
8) Good effort, but...scrapbooking-I’m trying to get back into it but haven’t….yet.
9) Guilty pleasure...Google Reader…with almost 300 subscriptions it is a challenge to keep up with all the posts but I love it!
10) Best experience ever: My life now…seeing my kids grow…
Feel like sharing? Consider yourself tagged!