I was in a cleaning frenzy...

I don't have a card to share for today...I was in a total cleaning frenzy last night. I'm not sure where the energy came from but when it hits me, I gotta go with the flow. I've been meaning to do a closet purge and boy, did I. I was able to fill up several bags to donate...now I can actually walk into my closet and not trip over my shoes :)

Anyways, I wanted to share what my very talented cousin Satomi sent to me...it is a business card holder, isn't it FABulous? She does magnificent work...everything is straight and perfect-o.

She made me this awesome bag earlier....I actually gave her bags {pouches} to my friends for their Christmas gifts last year...The gals over at My Asian Heritage {hi i & a!} featured her on their Shop Talk. Please pop over to JapaneseHandmadeEtc and My Asian Heritage and check them out!

Thanks to Michelle at Designer Aloha and Carolina of Carolina's Creative Pad for passing along this Gold Card Award! I promise to pass it along to some ultra-creative peeps....this weekend:) Thanks ladies, you both rock! I love cruising through your blogs!!!

I recently picked up a package of inchies...yes, another late bloomer moment....hope to tap into those tonight...although soccer season started this week...both kids are playing :)