One Sweet Award

Jenn over at Stamps and All that Jazz was a sweetie pie for thinking of me...She passed along this One Sweet Blog Award. I've been following her FABulous blog for awhile and she has a wonderful style. She always leaves me sweet comments...THANKS JENN!!!

It's always difficult for me to pick just a handful of blogs when I'm trying to keep up with 350+ rockin' blogs...{sigh...soooo much inspiration out there!!}. Okay, here are a couple of gals that I want to pass this along to:

Carla of Paper Pastorale

Lauren of Groppi Girl Blogs

Catherine of Inksomnia

Janine of 2bKrafty

Angie of schwooo!

I can certainly keep adding to the list...but I'll go ahead and stop now. I want to thank you ALL for stopping by my little 'ole blog...There are more gals that regularly stop by my "place"...I'll get you all the next time around, okay?

This is Soccer Saturday....I'm crossing my fingers for NO rain!