Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Just wanted to tell all of my blogging friends to have a fabulous Thanksgiving. I appreciate each and everyone of you that visits my blog...

I just have one picture to share with you all.....look what is getting popped into the mail this weekend....my Christmas cards!!!

I think I mentioned this in an earlier blog post, this year I went clean & simple. I had grand plans with my recent Stampin' Up order of Riding Hood Red and Baja Breeze but designed a card to sell at my holiday sale and really liked it so I decided to use it for my Christmas cards. Here's the bonus...they are going out with a regular old 42 cent postage stamp...wooo hoo!!!

What are you thankful for? I'm absolutely thankful and grateful for my children and my wonderful life. A couple years ago my life changed dramatically but as I was telling Elaine of
A Place for Ink today {we power shopped at Ben Franklin's}...I'm a much stronger woman for the changes and I'm thankful for my supportive family and friends.
I'm lucky to have FABulous people in my life
{you know who you are...}....