Oh my goodness...the very spectacular Kim Hughes has tagged me!!!
I {heart} Kim's sense of style...love all her stamps...she basically r*o*c*k*s! You should of heard me gasp this morning when I read her blog...yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a random choice of blogs but still... :)
1. I have a horrid memory. I can never even remember what I had for the dinner.
2. I tend to write notes on my hands to help me remember things (see #1)
3. I have a bad habit of "putting things in a really good spot"...only to forget that spot. (see #1 & #2). See a trend in lack of memory? Odd thing though, some things I'm really good about....Obviously I remember to blog and make cards :)
4. When I was younger, I took piano lessons for 4 or 5 years.
5. I love blurfing and typically get through my google reader every night. If I don't, it "bothers" me.
6. My favorite icecream is coffee oreo even though I typically don't like "bumpy" food.
7. I'm Canadian {eh}.
Here is my random pick of blogs...love to see you play but understand if you can't :)
1. Janine of 2bKrafty
2. Rose Ann of Paper Delightz
3. Stacey of The Crafting Adventure of a Left-Handed Blonde
4. Savitri of Scrapbit
5. Marlou of Scrapping with Love
6. Lauren of Groppi Girl Blogs
7. Jenn of Stamps and All that Jazz
I'm a lucky duck since these 7 FABulous women are regulars to my blog :)
P.S. Have you all checked out Paper Craft Planet? Sheesh, I registered a couple days ago but really dived into it today. Good Grief, a person can spend hours in there trying to connect with her peeps! If you're registered and I haven't connected to you please find me...I'm registered as ~amy~. I plan on jumping into more of the forums and uploading pics during my glorious long weekend...