Inchie Nest

So last week my local craft store was having a coupon sale...40% off of one regular priced item. Personally I think they should run these sales more often and give the ladies in my office {including me} some bonus bucks since we give them so much I'm all for helping out the little store. I seldom go to J's or M's, I appreciate the customer service you get at the smaller shops. Anyways, I picked up these great clear Inkadinkado inchie stamps....what FUN! I colored the speckled eggs with my copic frost. Yup, that would be my hoarded beloved Cool Caribbean...the inchie is on a dimensional...easy smeasy in one of my favorite color combo' and chocolate.

Look what I received from sweet Holly over at Hog Wild About Stamping..the rules are:

1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.

2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.

3. Nominate 5 blogs.

4. Put links to their blogs

5. Leave a message for your nominees.

I'm taking Holly's lead and nominating blogs that I've recently discovered:

1. laurenb

2. kathleenh

3. Marlou

4. Nicole

5. alohatammi

I want to give a new blogger shout out to Pam :)

I'm always on the look out to new blogs to add to my 'ole Google's always sooo difficult for me to nominate peeps...I soak up creativity from all the blogs that I tap into.