1. blogging...I'm really obsessive about my blog...posting at least 5 days a week..it has definitely become a part of my routine.
2. blurfing...I 'want' to keep up with my Google Reader and all the hundreds of blogs that I have jam packed into it. I get sooo much inspiration from all the various eye candy....note that I used the word 'want' vs 'need'. My non-blogging friends just don't get it...
3. Paper arts...I thrive on being creative...it is therapeutic and rewarding for me.
4. coffee...it is a must to keep up with my blogging, blurfing and creativity..lol
5. balance...it is actually a big word...balance with my creativity...work...family...friends...life...really it is a massive juggling act that I strive to keep up with...it isn't a bad thing...I am quite happy with my life...
I'd like to pass along this award to the following peeps:
Joann @ The Cozy Couch
ivwhy @ I Should Be Sleeping But....
Lisa @ ink and inspirations
Ann @ Creative Antics
Bona @ Keep on Scrappin
Play along if you like but no pressure ladies!
Onto Blog Candy that I recently received...Look at the Flourishes set that I won from Latisha over at A Busy Litte Craftee Bee
Wooo hoooo...my first JustRite set compliments of Julie over at Stamps and Taxes! and all of that ribbon...love, love, love ribbon....ask my kids and they will roll their eyes..
Thanks for stopping by....I do appreciate being able to share the generosity of my blogging friends!!!
You gals rock!