One World~One Heart and a trio of blog awards!


Thanks to Ann over at Creative Antics, I found out about this wonderful event that will start tomorrow! Check out this blog post on Lisa's site, hostess of the event. The Reader's Digest version? It's a wonderful way to make connections with people all around the world...the blogging community is filled with fabulous people...I can say that I've truly experienced that in my personal blogging journey. I would have never met the people that I have so far if it wasn't for this incredible concept of blogging. Just recently a couple of my blogging friends offered to step up and help me find a chandelier stamp for me...isn't that fabulous {these gals know ME}! We have never met in person but you know what? That's just how it is...

I hope that YOU will join me in this
One World~One Heart event!

Quite frankly, this couldn't have come at a better time...I actually have some blog candy put together....One prize is true blog candy...meaning I actually bought the goods specifically for blog candy and then I'll have a couple other treasure chests of lovelies...okay, I'm going through a massive design studio purge {design studio...makes it all sound so fancy smancy}. One girl's impulse purchases is another gal's loot'ola!

I was sooo lucky to be gifted with 3 blog awards last week!!!

The Encouraged award is from the most fabulous Lisa Brown over at Ink and Inspirations. I love her sense of style and she has a beautiful family. Please hop on over to Lisa's blog!!

The Honest Scrap award is from JackieLou over at Bloggin' my Pink Artsie World....okay, who wouldn't like THAT world?? I met her through the Two Scoops Rice Design Team...btw, stay tuned on that...there will be some reveals on that! Check out JackieLou's blog...she is always crackin' me are the deets for the Honest Scrap award:

A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!

B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

oops! I almost forgot to post my 10 things...I seem to have an addictive personality so I thought I'd focus on that and then add some random things {not in any specific order}:

1. blogging...I'm obessive about my blog...posting...reviewing....the photography...I try to make it make it the best that I can...

2. blurfing...oh my blurfing is slightly out of control...I'll admit to that...I cringe to think how many blog posts will be waiting for me when I go on vaca and not have internet access for several I'm constantly adding to my google reader...why? Hmm...someone leaves me a comment that I haven't "met" yet...I check out their blog and pretty soon I'm surfing their blog on a regular basis...this one world thing is going to put my google reader into subscription There are all those blogs that I read about on other truly is a vicious...fabulous circle...I love it.

3. My Design Studio...obessive...only in some Stampin' Up paper, Stamps & Markers are really organized {alphabetically}. My A Muse collection is all displayed in front of my work surface...all my um's are together {not in any organized manner but at least together}...everything else? Absolutely Chaos! 2009 is my year to do some serious will undoubtedly be a year long process...not only because I have so many "treasures" but the financial aspect of the organization...little by little.

yipes...sorry this is a mondo long post....

4. I LOVE my kids...I wouldn't know what I would do without them...there was a time when they were what got me out of bed...put on a happy face...

5. My life, how it is now is not what I ever would have thought it would's funny how life changes when you least expect it..but I love my life and I feel that things happen for a reason...

6. I love my coffee...

7. I love anything citrus...lemon fav

8. I'm addicted to gum..

9. I use to chew my finger nails when I was younger...

10. I have to make time to be creative or I get grumpy :)

This Fabulous award is from one of my oldest blogging friend's.....Carla over at Paper Pastorale! I will insert here that I don't mean old as in age but she tapped into my blog earlier on in my blogging adventures...Carla is fabulous...she loves glitter and she gives me so much inspiration...both with her blog and her emails to me...I do appreciate you Carla!!!!

I hope that if you didn't know these wonderful ladies prior to reading my blog post that you will tap into their blogs and make a new friend...

Have a super week ladies!!!!