Okay, on to my links:
I {heart} this Food for Thought on Maria Grace's blog Momentary Bliss.
I don't know what it is but my fingers are ALWAYS cold...especially at work. My office is at a balmy 78 degrees {or at least that is what the thermostat says} and I'm still layering on the sweaters...it's an attempt to get my fingers warm. Okay so SWEET things won't necessarily help in that department but aren't they FABulous? I spotted them on the Design Mom blog...
I recently stumbled onto Chez Larsson's blog...it is chock full of goodness. The gal that writes the blog is named Benita...she is a visual merchandiser in Sweden...whatta job...sounds FUN! Good Grief! Check out her Flickr!
Check out Frugalities...they are having 40% off...Sadly I must pass up the sale as I tapped into their December sale. I'm here to enable you all :)
I'll be back tomorrow with a tag'ola!