I realized that I didn't manage to take a whole lot of good photography....I'll have to have "d" pass along more of the touristy ones. For now, I'll share this picture of Cozumel from the deck of the cruise boat after we docked {landed, anchored?}. The water is bluer than you can begin to imagine...simply lovely. A girl could get easily use to vacationing when she doesn't have to cook or clean...just lay in the sun and people watch {love doing that}....it was an incredibly relaxing vaca...one that I really needed and enjoyed. Prior to arriving in Cozumel, we also visited Key West...Wow! What a FABulous place!!!
Yesterday I spent the entire day in a movie theater {with various breaks} to watch these Academy Award Nomimees:
My favorite?
Slumdog Millionaire
Can you believe it? Milk started at 10:30 a.m. and Frost/Nixon ended around midnight. Whew...it is fun to go with a bunch of friends..we packed a bunch of food but then bought something for dinner. I'm trying to break myself of my "Cruise Diet", or lack of diet...yipes...oh well, I was on vaca...