
Well, I certainly received the taggin' love this past week! I received 5 of them...you gals are all soooo very fabulous to think of me!

I've been tagged by Alison from Australia over at Gothdove Designs. Be sure to check out Alison's fabulous blog! I will list 7 of my favorite things and tag peeps at the end of this post.

1. coffee

2. being creative

3. my kids

4. my peeps {you know who you are}

5. anything citrus

6. my home

7. my life

I've also been tagged by the following lovely ladies:

The tag is that you have to go to the sixth picture file on your computer and show the sixth picture in that file and then tell us what the photo is of. Finally pass the tag on.

This is a photo of my dining room...it should be one of my favorite rooms in my home because quite frankly, it stays the cleanest! LOL! I {heart} my photo wall....I've always had the kids' pictures taken every year to celebrate their birthdays. The dining room table was given to me by my Father after he passed away. I kept it with its original upholstery for years {it was nasty avocado green tattered velvet but it was soooo my Dad, kwim?!}. A couple years ago I took the seat panels to a Seattle shop called Murphy's to have them reupholstered in the Liz Claiborne fabric that I picked up at J's....it is various shades of orange peonies....Anywho's....Murphy's did a spectacular job!!

Okay, here are people I tag, play if you want, pick one or both of the tags:

ivwhy of I Should Be Sleeping But.....

Catherine of InkSomnia

Julia of Create with Me

**oh boy...having formatting problems so for now..I tag these 3 fabulous peeps....check out their most wonderful blogs!