Hmmm...I think that I met Katie through a challenge blog....I was actually just trying to remember that last week when we chatted via email...my memory really is horrendous and it keeps getting worse the older I get! Anywho's, you have just got to hop over to Katie's blog...she is super talented!! Here's the thing, she is one of those multi-talented peeps that uses both sides of her brain...by day she is a techie for a pharmaceutical company...oh yeah and check out her crafty space...oy vey.

2) I must list 10 honest things about myself here goes....
- I'm hopelessly addicted to blogging/blurfing
- I realized this weekend just how much pattern paper I own, oy vey.
- I drink too much coffee
- I hoard too much
- I want to win a lottery so that I can craft all day
- I love my kidlets
- I'm easily craftily enabled {craftily, is that a word?}
- I have a black thumb vs a green thumb
- I love pattern paper {see #2}
- I love my life and all the peeps that are a part of it
Whew! That was hard...actually it really wasn't :) Here comes the hard part, sharing the awards...I should start by saying that I really appreciate everyone that comes to visit my little 'ole blog. I truly appreciate your time and comments or lurkiness {hmm...yet another funky word...lurkiness}. I'm going to my sunday post and picking some peeps that have left me comments to pass along whatever blog award you would like to have! Take 1 or all of them...
Steph of Any Shade of Green
Kay of Robin Egg Ribbon
Sherry of Button Junkie {my button buddy!}
Carla of Paper Pastorale
Karen of A Place to Share my Stuff
Woot Woot if you made it all the way through this incredibly long post! Thanks again for visiting and I hope you all have a truly magnificent week!!!!