Welcome Back

This sfytt gave me a run for my money...literally. I actually put together a different card for this sketch but it isn't posting worthy...it just wasn't hitting me...it was chock full of Hambly and a touch of Maya Road...yup, Hambly....I sliced through about 4 different sheets of Hambly only to not like the end product...ggrrrr...I'll take a pic of it but will tweek it, and force it to work, kwim?

Anywho's, here is the card that I did end up with...American Crafts Travel. I originally bought 2 sheets of the Travel line to make a "Bon Voyage" card for my oldest friend...not literally "oldest" but one that I've known for the longest time...since 7th grade. She and her dd left for Australia last week....well, I never got to makin' her a "Bon Voyage" so I decided to make her a "Welcome Back" card. She has already celebrated her birthday while travelling and will be gone for a total of 2+ weeks....lucky duck although I don't envy her flights...isn't it like 15+ hours/each way not including layovers??!

The foam letters are ala the Target $ spot...woo hoo...got*sta love that place!

Make sure you check out my Cosmo Cricket/Cutting Cafe Card for today too!