such a fabulous card! love the vibrant colors...and the blog candy could not be sweeter!
Okay, cheryln....you know her, right?!!!
This gal just oozes talent! Her sense of style is always pure perfection. I was thrilled to see that she was picked up by the fabbie gals over at 2 sketches for You. Here's the other thing about Cheryln, she is ALWAYS leaving such fabulously positive comments...love her...love her style!!!!
Patience my peeps...I'll post today's blog candy shortly :) Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the fabulous birthday wishes! I had a great birthday at work...had a whole box of goodies to take out to my car last night {and some gorgeous flowers were delivered to me...thanks ♥d♥!!}...last night I had a great time with my friends...had a delish dinner at Boom Noodle and the Julie and Julia movie was FUN! I chuckled at all the comments about blogging...my kidlets have been crafty so I'm looking forward to see what they have created for their momma :)