frosty greetings...

Have you heard about M's Sketch Challenge??

For those that have been following me, they know how much I enjoy challenges....M's Sketch Challenge is super fabulous because the sketch artist is Savitri's most a-dorable whipper snapper 'm'!! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to play along AND perhaps even get a comment from 'm'...okay, I'd be happy with you too Savitri..LOL.

I bought 2 sheets of Bo Bunny and green polka dots...lovely stuff...ultra sweet. Those cutie pie scallop trees are from The Cutting Cafe! The All About Christmas Set seriously ROCKS!!! That Regina is quite the busy chicklet!

I've been busy putting together projects for an upcoming Holiday Sale...remember, I work better under is in less than 1 week....oy.

sketch: m's sketch challenge
paper: Bo Bunny
stamp: The Cutting Cafe/All About Christmas, A Muse sentiment
ink: memento tuxedo black
accessories: misc grosgrain
♥♥did you notice my new flower frog? vintage goodness..thanks to my friend monica♥♥