got tunes?


Welcome to 365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday! This is a bonus edition because we're teaming it up with a blog hop!! More deets on that and some blog candy in a smidge.

Let's first dive into today's sketch:

Surprise, surprise...Cosmo Cricket card..LOL. My boy went to a birthday party on Friday night and I made this for the 14 year old birthday boy.

I'm pretty sure that the birthday boy appreciated the iTunes gift card more than all that stitching on his card...not to mention that fabbie chippie:)

I can't wait to see YOUR take on the sketch...

Okay, here's how this blog hop works.....some of us will have our own individual blog candy offerings...Pam has one and has certain requirements:) You just have to leave each Design Team member a have until Saturday, October 31st at 11:59 PM EST to make your comments. Pam will draw two winners at random on Sunday, November 1st.

For my personal blog candy, you just have to leave me 1 comment on this post {that'll obviously count for Pam's blog candy too}. You have until Saturday, October 31st at 11:59 PM Pacific Daylight time to make your comments. I will draw 1 winner at random that I will post on Sunday, November 1st.

You should have come from:


A fun thing that we'll be sharing are 7 fun facts about ourselves.

Here goes for me, they are in no certain order and not everything is crafty oriented:

1. I'm a 2006 graduate of the University of Washington...cripes, does that make me about 25 years old?! LOL....nah, I'm what I call a "late bloomer". I have an Interdisciplinary Degree in Arts & Sciences with a Concentration in Psychology.

2. My go-to kraft paper is from a company named

3. Lately I can't get enough of stitching on my cards...they almost seem unfinished without it...

4. My brown ink of choice: Memento Rich Cocoa.

5. This will not come as a shock to anyone, one of my favorite companies is Cosmo Cricket. Did you gals read Lindsay's post from Friday? Hee-larious!!

6. I'm Canadian. I grew up with both of my older brothers saying that I was adopted since they are Americans...brothers {rolling my eyes}

7. My adhesive of choice....3M Double Stick Tape. Seriously, I use the desk top dispenser and big rolls...I don't fuss with those plastic dispensers.

Okay, there you have it...7 fun facts about me..
I're thinking Yadda Yadda Yadda...let's see your blog candy! LOL

Grrr....plastic wrap packaging makes photography very tricky...obviously the packaging won...this time.
Let's see, there is:

1. Rhonna Farrer Paris in Spring Chipboard Ribbon Charms Tags

2. KI Memories Juicy Summer Hip Chip

3. K&Co Urban Rhapsody Grand Adhesions

4. Heidi Swapp Dark Pink Florals

5. Love Elsie Gel Stickers

6. American Crafts Flair

Some of you ladies asked for a pic of my Gift Show table...It was a terrific a model home..every square inch had a vendor {except the bathrooms!}. There was a great variety and I'm trying to get into some future shows. it is time to hop to:



Dora said…
Love the facts about you, getting to know you a bit better, your card is great again...and I;m still working at my machine to stich.....grrr
Steph said…
Wow - your stand looks fabulous - no one could resist I'm sure. x
TesaB said…
Wowsers! Gorgeous teenage boy card! Never seem to be able to make those, but you, wow! Agree on the stitching, and I think I need to try that ink out. Thanks for sharing!
Made by Mandy said…
Love your card. I to date have never used my sewing machine on a card, maybe I should crack it open for a challenge.

Great to find out more about you too :)
yyam said…
What a cool card for a boy!

Got to know a little more about you...:)

Have a great Sunday!
Evelin said…
Love the card!!! :) The chippie is gorgeous! :)
And I love the pic your shared on the gift show!

Love the stitching too! I so hope to get a mini sewing machine soon! :D
אורית said…
great card -the old radio is fab.
itsallrosi said…
oh, you enabler. I just ordered some Speckletone!
Barb said…
cute idea for a Boy card. I always have trouble coming up with ideas for guys. really enjoy your blog.
A Sarasota said…
Love your card.
Greetings from Florida!
And I love Cosmo Cricket too. Wow, your scrap room is so neat!
Celeste said…
Great boy card, love the chippie too. I like the paper you used also. Gift show table picture was nice. I like to see how others arrange their tables for shows.
Noa .d. said…
love your card, great inspiration, I find it difficult to make a card for those teenage boys :)
♥ Audrey ♥ said…
Yes, I noticed you like Cosmo Cricket... a lot of your cards are designed using their papers! Luv how you used the new papers on this card! Brilliant! Your Gift Show stuff looks amazing!
Haley D. said…
I'm sure the birthday boy's mom appreciated the card! ;)

Love all your work! Thanks for the chance to win a bit o' blog candy too.
Unknown said…
Groovy boy card Amy. I have fallen in love with faux stitching on my cards lately lol. I also read Lindsay's blog post on Friday and I agree it was hilarious indeed.
Sherry Eckblad said…
Amy, fabulous my sista just fabulous. Thanks for sharing the 7 favorites with us. I love speckletone papers as well.
Martha said…
So nice to learn more about you Amy! And your stand looks so great!!
The card is again gorgeous :)
Anonymous said…
Fab card amd great blog candy. I am loving this blog hop
Edra said…
Hooray for Canadian talent! (I'm Can. 2) Your cards are always sooooo cute!
Tina said…
Wow, incredible! Love how you tackled that layout!
Harriet H said…
I love reading the tid bits about all of you and your card is so cute but i agree i bet he liked the gift card alot more.....
Robyn said…
Hi, Amy!
Love the 'teenage boy' card! The papers work great together!
I just started incorporating a bit more sewing on some of my cards...and I it a nice finshed look!
Thanks for sharing some fun facts about yourself!
Awe - boys - they go straight for the gold and miss all the details! Love your show table display and all the cards sets, very neat! Enjoying this hopping thing - what a way to start a Sunday!
Laurel said…
Great card Amy! Yes I read Lindsay's story, too funny! and like you I love the scotch 2 sided tape.
~Tammy~ said…
Awsome cosmo creation for this weeks sketch! and that candy is yummmmmmy!
Janice said…
Hi Amy, I can't say anything that has not already been said...great job on the b-day card, I'm sure he loved it, you know teenagers they surprise you sometime! My 16 yo nephew loves all his cards I make and takes them to school to put in his locker.
Anonymous said…
you have a really nice blog
Angie Tieman said…
Super cute card and so perfect for a young guy! Another tricky sketch that you nailed, bravo!

p.s. Your gift show table looks fabulous!
Doreen said…
Great take on the sketch! I enjoyed reading about you. Thank you for all the comments you have made on my cards.
Vicky said…
Super cute card, Amy! too bad a 14 year old boy just doesn't appreciate the finer things in life (like a handmade card!).
Mari AKA Momo said…
Thank you for your 7 fun facts. Your card is PERFECT for a boy birthday! Thanks for the blog candy! It looks yummy! ;o)
Turnedgypsy said…
I love your itunes card. very smart design. thank you for the chance to win also. i may have to try this for my stepson on his birthday. very hard to design or even buy for a teen boy.

Elise said…
Yeah! Oh, HAPPY DAY! A drop dead, GORGEOUS boy card! Hello, AMY! Fabulous inspiration, m'dear! You NEVER disappoint, but c'mon - this is OVER the top, Gooooooooood! You are such a delightful AND TALENTED, blog presence... Your comments always make me smile and your work ALWAYS delights - thanks for all that you share, sweet gal!
Pam said…
Love your fun facts about yourself, Amy, and that super cool card will most certainly be under appreciated by a 14-year-old boy, which is why you have all of us to drool over it!
Sparkplug17 said…
Such a great card. I love the boom box!
Amy, after seeing your card, I'm tempted to do the sketch...if I can. I love reading the fun facts; double stick tape, eh? Hmmm...I will have to try that - it does have its merits. Oh, I love how you set up your table for your craft fair - I was wondering how that went. You're making me think more about stitching...that's a new step for me...I'm thinking about a lot now...Thanks for sharing Amy. It's always a pleasure to visit your blog.
SherylH said…
Great card and the stitching really is the finishing touch.
Carla said…
This looks like a super hard sketch, but your card turned out perfectly!!! And no, I don't think the teenage boy cares one whit about the card. I have three boys, and they don't seem at all interested in greeting cards. Strange...
Gloria Stengel said…
I love this card. Who would not love the stitching! LOL I loved all your pics to go with your facts. Super creative, as always! You are the most upbeat and sweet person I know - cyber or IRL. Hugs!
Goblinf said…
What's a gift show? Is a 'model home' like a show home, a finished house in a planned estate? We brits are so far behind you guys....
At least everyone else has enjoyed a picture of the card, and I'm sure the gift card was enjoyed much more by him. What a great idea to have a craft show in a model house.
Kim said…
Great masculine card Amy! And I'm sure your right about him appreciating the gift card more than the stitching! LOL!
Truly Lori said…
Glad to get to know you:)

Love the teenager card. There don't seem to be alot of samples for teenager cards, so I appreciate it when I see them.

Thanks for the inspiration!
PCM said…
Amy - love the card. I am SURE the itune card went over famously - I know it would have in my house, great info about you too.
Ginny Larsen said…
Canadian? really?

hmm, woulda never known! i LOVE your card, and am so glad you posted this pic of your craft show table... Paulina told me all about it and said you had a LOVELY table :D

great card for the sketch, too--your guy cards are really neat... i'm not so good at them myself.

(and i know what you mean about photographing w/ the packaging--ACK!)
Tami said…
hey amy girl. I just didn't stop by for the *blog candy* factor! Hate when that happens. Anyway I survived my party and I love your post today. I'm so behind on everything as I've been super busy with classes. I love your card and I'm off to check out more of your latest postings and Lindsay's blog. I miss you girlie. xooxxox
Vicki said…
What a great idea for a card! Your stitiching is amazing. I am off to the next blog. Love the blog candy too!
Kristie Larsen said…
cute card! I agree about the stitching. its just lovely and a shame to not have on one of your fabulous creations. Love your gift table too!
Karen Arthur said…
What a cute card, I also love to stitch cards. Wonderful job!
Ella said…
Awesome stuff Amy! I think all cards are lost on 14 yo boys!
Alissa said…
I love the stitching you have done. Perfect!
Olga Clemencia said…
Hi this is beautiful, Ilove cosmo criket too. Thanks
mary stuart said…
Kristie - Very cool card!
love your setup - beautiful items!
you probably didn't have much to pack up!
and thanks for the tip on double stick tape!
finally, thanks for the opportunity to win!
mary stuart said…
Amy - i need to pay attention!
you even signed right above the comment box! kristie's name was just in my view! sorry Amy!
you have a beautiful blog Amy!
now off to see Kristie!
Kay said…
Oh girl, too many great things I want to write on this "comment"! First of perfect is this card for a 14 year old boy!!! Your son scored major points bringing this to the birthday party with an iTunes gift card in it! Genius, girlfriend!!

Secondly, Double Stick Scotch Tape??!! Duh!!! Why didn't I think of that!! Can't even imagine all the 100's of dollars I've spend on the fancy smancy adhesives. This would definitely get the job done!! Thanks for the awesome idea!

Thirdly, I clicked on your Gift Show pic to make it bigger and "HELLO"!!!! I wish I was there! Girl, you would have made some coin off of me for sure!! I even spied some cute "Sassy" cards on that table!! I hope it was a BIG success for you...I can't imagine why not!!! ♥♥ Kay
Hey Amy your cards always ROCK this one is no exception! Thanks for the chance to win some fab candy xx
Dee said…
great boy card, they're always hard to do. my sons still small so anything with a truck on it goes. great blog and like the info on everyone.
MicheleV said…
Beautiful card - they are always so much fun!
bethchien said…
love the stitching on your card and your gift show table looks amazing!!! yes, it is hard to photograph plastic OR when I use modpodge on top of projects! lol
Hope you had a good weekend!
Brittany said…
Your card is really great. I always have a hard time designing/making cards for boys. You pulled it off very well, however. :)
Steph Jacobson said…
Great card! I've always been a die-hard fan of Scotch double stick tape. I just recently switched to the big dispenser--I wish I'd done it sooner!
Jenny S. (UK) said…
Love your card. Your facts are very interesting and noteworthy.
Winter said…
What a great teen card! :)
Heidi said…
wow, i never knew... i use the same brown ink as you! and 3m double sided tape! so fun!

thanks for sharing!
Piali said…
Fab Teenager card ,Amy!!! I would also love stitching on the cards if I could stitch like you..stitching on your cards is gorgeous.

love your Gift show table..I see some fab card sets there.
Thanks for your inspiring them always.
Kelley Eubanks said…
Perfect card for a 14 year old! I am sure he loved it...even if he wouldn't admit it!!
Kim Mc said…
I wanted to thank you for all the great cards and inspiration they provide. Your style varies so much but is always gorgeous. I need to figure out how to stitch on a card...not sure where I'd set up the sewing maching though as right now it's buried at the bottom of my closet (shhh don't tell my mom who bought it for me years ago in the hopes that I would sew my own whatnot...hehe!)

I'm also surprised to hear that you're Canadian...I've wondered for awhie if you were from Hawaii but guess you just visit (seem to remember a post about that awhile ago). Well, if you ever make it back... :) aloha!
Rose said…
what a fantastic card for a teenager!! wow! that is one nice layout for your craft show :0) hope you sell a bunch!!
Sharon said…
Love your card, Thanks for the inspiration.

Take Care
GabrielaD said…
Love your card!

Go Canada!!

Rose said…
Wow, Amy! I love your little table setup - lots of cute stuff! And the bday card you made -super cute. I need to bust out my sewing machine again. I love how the stitching looks on cards! Great job, and such yummy blog candy!!
Shelia said…
You are right, this is perfect for a boy. I loved it.
Janine said…
Wonderful card Amy!! Love the facts about you too.
YAY!! Another Canadian!!
Have a wonderful day!
Julia Aston said…
Wow - you did well with that odd sketch! perfect for a teen boy!! love that radio and, of course, your papers!!!

fun to know these tidbits about you Amy!!
Jeanne Ann said…
I have such a hard time making "male" cards. Thanks for the ideas!
Caroline said…
Very nice boy-card indeed. I hate to make them, and they seem to hate me too *tsss* but you really got it! Very sweet candy also!
Chrissy said…
I too am a stitch addict! Love your cards-they alwaaaays make me smile!
Courtney Baker said…
Wow that's an awesome sketch, and you did a great job! I actually used that paper this weekend too!
Regina Easter said…
wow, wow wow, it looks great girl....i have never heard of this before....okay your card ROCKS....(HE HE HE)...HUGS
ivy said…
my fave is that double stick tape too! and i have my super duper deal of a $0.99store find for one of those heavy duty table tape dispensers too!
must tell me more bout these gift show venues that you are doing. (selling? making lots of moolah?)
Cathy Spicer said…
I'm loving the hop! What a great idea. Your cards are always awesome and inspiring!
Anonymous said…
Amy, I love your take on this sketch!
Anonymous said…
What a PERFECT teenage boy card!! You totally rocked the Boyfriend with this one!

Fun facts...I am right there with ya on the Scotch tape...thought I was the only one!

(-: Heidi
IvyandRein said…
ooooh loved your fun facts :)
I checked out speckletone what would you say your fave gotta have paper in stock would be?
man your such a good enabler LOL
Michelle said…
I'm loving the card.. Great Teen Boy Card! Love the look. Your table is fabulous girl! It's got a graet look to it. Just gorgeous!

Lauren said…
Super cool card amy!
Rose Ann said…
I'll bet your card was his favorite, Amy!! Perfect for a teenage boy!!

I enjoyed your fun facts too!!
Laurel said…
Hey Amy - don't count me again but I have something for you on my blog.
lauren bergold said…
ok, yeah, i suspect the *stitching* went utterly unnoticed by the birthday dude...but i bet he said/thought, "cool card...i like that radio sticker thing!" which is a 14-yr-old's equivalent of 3 minutes of fervent praise!!! :)

(don't worry...we of the blogosphere recognize your stellar crafty ingenuity and send big OOOOOOOOOH's and AHHHHHHHHHHH's and ♥♥♥'s in the direction of this fab creation!!!)
Anonymous said…
Hi Amy,
No need to include me in the swag giveaway.
Had to stop by and say LOVE the card.

peggy nickelson said…
Your card is a great card for those difficult "boy" cards. Great design! I check your blog every day and I am always inspired by your faboo work.
Peggy N.
Jane said…
Marlou McAlees said…
hi Amy, :) fabulous card and sketch!! love it!! sorry haven't been blog hopping much, hope to get hopping soon :) hugzz xx
Jan said…
Amy, I didn't know you were a fellow Canadian.
Thanks for sharing.
Savitri said…
Wow, your stand looks so friggin organized!!! LOVE it!!! I'm too lazy to do one!! M's funny, she said when we move to England we should sell our cards at the farmer's market. Hmmmm, no. Ha ha ha! Seriously, it sounds like fun but me organizing all that!?!? I'd need an assistant :P
Kathy C said…

Love the boy card. As the mom of a 14yo boy, I bet the boy who got it did appreciate it (he probably just didn't think it was cool to say so at the time). And how awesome to pair that with an iTunes card?

Kathy C.
Ivolina said…
Wonderful boy`s card, Amy. Your cards are always amazing.
Very interesting 7 facts.
li-bee-ti said…
Well, well, Amy....
you've got so many comments, so I'll take my chance too...LOL.

You made me laugh with your 7 personal facts...

thanks for the laugh, and for the chance to win...
Anonymous said…
Wow, you are one busy little bee!