spread your wings...


Has this week gone by speedy quick for you too? It's been crazy at work and on the homefront so my week has definitely kept me hoppin'!!

Well, thanks for stopping by...today is Get Sketchy day!!! Isn't GS#8 fun??!!!

Our sponsor for this week is Pebbles. My entire card is compliments of Pebbles...their paper rocks..double sided and super! Hope you're not sick of my layered flowers. I just 'had' to pop some of the Pebbles Candy Dots in the middle of them!!

Check it out...I even decorated the interior!! I know...shocking! I don't typically do that but I had all these fun Pebbles goodies to use!!!

Make sure you check out the Get Sketchy Design Team for their fabulous cards...you'll absolutely LOVE them!! You'll also wanna check out the Pebbles prize...everyone loves to win a prize, don't they?!

Have a super friday!!!!