martha madness blog candy and the winner from last week...

Welcome to Week 3 of my Blog Candy Extravaganza!

It's just a small way to thank YOU for making my blogging experience so fabulous!


Comment on any of my regular posts during Sunday through Saturday. I'll randomly draw a winner:) Only 1 comment per person per day will be put into the drawing. Internationals are welcome!

This week's candy includes:

Martha Adhesive foam
Martha rub ons {24 rub ons!}
Martha White 1/2 inch seam binding ribbon {5 yards}
Martha Pink 7/8 inch double faced satin {7 yards}

Yes, you're probably wondering who the winner of last week's blog candy is:

Perhaps I should let you know that I use I use it to pick the day of the week and the winner for that particular day.

The winner is:

Heidi Van Laar said...
SO gorgeous Amy!! All that stitching and bling is just awesome!I would love to be a part of PNW get together! It all depends on whether I can get away or not.(-: Heidi

Woot Woot Heidi!!!

I'll pop the goodies in the mail to you sista!!!

Evidently it is Heidi day on my blog:)

Just a reminder that I've disabled comments for this order to be eligible for this week's blog candy you'll need to post on my 365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday one