to wonderful you..from thankful me..

Happy Thanksgiving my friends!!!!

It's either going to be really quiet or filled with activity in or the other...LOL.

Today is my day over on the 365 Cards blog.

Pam's challenge for today:

Thanksgiving inspired

Create a card for someone who you are thankful for, and be sure to tell us why on your blog.

Okay for those of you that follow the 365 Cards blog, you know that there are certain {ahem} rebels..I'm typically not one of them {wink!} but for today's challenge I have 2 cards.
I should first start off by saying that I'm thankful for everyone that is a part of my life. Seriously....I'm not who I am today if not for you...I do believe that there is a reason why people come in your life...I'm obviously super thankful for my kids...that goes without saying.

Here are the cards I made for today's challenge...basically the same design but just in different colors.

First up is my Pumpkin Spice version...

I consider this my feminine version...especially with the use of my Stampin' Up Eyelet Border punch. This card went postal to my Momma {smiles...remember, she doesn't like to be called Momma...just Mom}.

After my Mom and Dad were divorced, my Mom had to get a job to support me and my 2 older brothers. We moved from British Columbia to Washington State. I got 2 words to describe my Mom...Whipper Snapper. She worked hard to always provide a nice home for us. Sometimes she would work 2 jobs...not too unusual in an Asian household...I actually worked at 2 jobs for several years. She is highly entertaining...very animated. She has always been there for me when I needed her..especially during some difficult times a couple years ago. I wouldn't be the chicklet that I am if it weren't for her...Thanks Mom!!!

Next up is my masculine Night of Navy version...yes, I think a masculine card can have a bloom on it...I inked up the edges of the bloom a that look.

Yup, this went to my honey 'd'...what can I say? I'm sooo thankful that he is a part of my life...he is laid back, kind, funny, sweet, empathetic....everything that I'm looking for. He always supports my creative side...gotta love that....I'm truly a lucky duck!

Who are YOU thankful for?