xo and the deets on my candy...

I multi-tasked all weekend...I got to visit with friends on Saturday and Sunday..and was crafty:)

Here's one of the projects I worked on yesterday...CP41:

The coloring is slightly wonky in the pic...you gals recognize Cosmo Cricket Early Bird...the Red & White polka dot panel almost looks pink'ish but it is red...like the felt 'XO'.

Seriously, how can anyone tire of the Early Bird line...it is just sooo 'happy'.

The felt 'XO' is K&Co...I love anything made of felt..

Okay, on to my blog candy deets...for the next 7 weeks I'll be slinging out some candy to a lucky commenter. I know that you know that it is only 1 comment per day per person The commenting will run Sunday 12:01 AM to Saturday 11:59 PM Pacific time. The winner will be posted sometime on Sunday...so for this week I'll post the winner on Sunday, November 22nd.

Remember this Tea Tin of mine? It seems that a lot of you gals thought that 'Winter Wishes' image was pretty coolio so I picked up that and 2 more!

So Good Luck to you all!!!

I cannot thank everyone enough for making this whole blog thing such a fabulous experience for me! I would have never thought that I was going to enjoy it as much as I have!! It continues to be a wonderful ride...

Have a super week peeps!