Blog Candy for Week 5...

Week 5?!!! I can't believe it is the 5th week of my blog candy slinging:) I love paying it forward, I've been soooo fortunate to be the winner of many a blog candy and it is sooo much fun. I don't know which is or receiving:)

This week's candy is the Fabulous Making Memories Vintage Findings Girl Kit. This puppy is chock full of goodness...yeah no, I didn't take that pic:)

Here are the deets...leave a comment on one of my regularly scheduled posts for a chance to win. This candy is for the week ending December 19th @ 11:59 Pacific time. You know the rules..

Good Luck Peeps!

Okay, remember last week's candy? Velvet Goodness:

Well, I use I plugged in 1-7 to pick the day of the landed on "1". Is it just me or do you think that it hardly ever lands on "1"? Okay, anywho' I picked from the Sunday comments...then I plug in the number of comments from last Sunday and guess what it lands on??!!!! Yup! "1"!!!!!!
Who's the lucky duck???

yyam said...

Oh super cute Amy! Work hard gal...rooting for you!

Yvonne...come on down...
OMGoodness, I'm cracking myself up!

Woot Woot for my girl Yvonne!!!!!

It'll go postal this week girlie...

Thanks to everyone for all your lovely comments from last week:) girl doesn't know that I uploaded that pic of the 2 of us...she really doesn't like getting her pic taken, at all. That's why you seldom "see" her..on the other hand, my boy loves being in the spotlight:) He had a couple glory days when he was modeling...anywho's, the reason that I'm cut in half in that particular shot is because, well, my arms weren't long enough..LOL.