2010 CHA Super Show...

Whew!!! I spent about 6 hours yesterday at the 2010 CHA Super Show in Anaheim, CA.

I was at SeaTac Airport for almost 2 hours...on a plane for 2+ hours and went directly to CHA...whew, busy day...

First up...a ginormous "Woot Woot" for the fabulous Ivy...who so kindly picked me up from the airport...and drove us to the Super Show and treated me to dinner! She also gave me a bag full of goodies...when I get home I'll be sure to take/post pics!!!!

Here's a pic of the two of us...check out those darling balloons that were a part of the Splitcoaststampers booth!!! Do you notice that some of them have polka dots? I think they daubbered them with ink...toooooo cute!!!

I have to tell you...I didn't kick in my Stealth Shopping Ninja moves yesterday...it was a combo of lack of luggage space and the overwhelming amount of time that I took meeting and chatting with blogging peeps...OMGoodness...it was absolutely FABulous....

Okay, here we go...

Check it out...
Erin Schlosser!!! I was thrilled to be able to meet up with Erin!!! She is ultra fabbie and darn it, I should have taken a pic of her booth...it looked so great with her products, DT cards :) and some "Sew It" projects...

Kelly and Courtney...these girlies couldn't be cuter...I chuckled when I just popped over to Kelly's blog and she said that she was the tallest crafter...I would be the shortest:)

I took some random pics of booths...check out this color coordinated one...

Aha...can you believe that? They rolled all that ribbon...oy...I tried to do that with my own ribbon stash and gave up.

Honestly I didn't notice this woman until I noticed another gal taking a picture of her vest....I thought it was leather...NOPE...grunge paper my friends...it was absolutely amazing....

Can you believe it??!!!! My apologies to her, she gave me her blog addy but I have forgotten it...if you know what it is, PLEASE pass it along to me so that I can post it here!!!

Oooooohhhh...check it out...me with Susan R. Opel and Cath Edvalson....OMGoodness...these gals are soooo great...warm...and kind! {woot...cath even FB our pic!}

Tenia Nelson....this girl was cracking me UP!!!!

Maile Belles...sweeter than SWEET!

Carolina!!! This is the 2nd time we've met in person...we took a Copics class together about 2 years ago:)

Tina Fussell...Thee Traveling Mama!

Here's another peek at a booth...cupcakes...gotta love them!

Aren't they SWEET?!!

Paulina! Always smiling...

Anthonette Chavez, okay this gal is sooooo fabbie...

Ashley Nguyen Newell...such a great gal!!

Whew....that's all the pics I took yesterday....my feet are still aching..LOL...I have about 2.5 hours before I meet up with the Torendi Gals...for another day of FUN....

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by...I'm super behind on my google reader and hope to catch up in the next couple of days...