I got to pack a ton of things into my luggage....I made everything fit...it took some fancy organization...
I wanted to share pics of what the fabbie Ivy gave me...she was a sweetie for picking me up from the airport and buying me dinner..thank goodness she dropped off bottled waters for me...that water from the sink looked a little too murky for my morning coffee:)
Okay, check it out...love the new Hero Arts Cupcake stamp! Isn't the cupcake sock packaging cute?!!

Okay, this is hilarious, Ivy gave me the very same Owlie towel that I gave her...LOL. The altered tin had the cream and anti-bacterial in it...

Here is something I bought...I used it on a Make 'n Take and loved it...I will love it, won't I girls???!!!! Because I have a ton of refills....Let me know if you love it...

Psst....Holly and her My Cute Stamps is directly behind us...I got to meet her too!

Buttons...gotta love it!

Yup, I got my very own signed copy....{this is when I tell you that this isn't a petite book...it is 384 pages...made my luggage incredibly heavy but worth it...LOL}
Okay, that's it...I couldn't believe how many pictures that I ended up taking while at CHA...I know that I missed out on a ton of booths but what I was able to see...I LOVED.
Okay, off to catch up on my blurfing and watch American Idol:)