The theme for this challenge is all about tea parties.
Just a reminder that our sponsor this week is InStyle Stamps! Go check them out {I think I've hyperlinked their logo so you should be able to just tap onto that}...sue-pah adorable stuff!!!

Take a peek at the inside of the card...those of you that have been following me for awhile know that I don't typically fuss with the interior of a is the lazy-bones in me:)
This is my version of a grown up Tea Party...BYOTB {bring your own tea bag}...LOL
Okie dokie me some your Tea for Two designs!!!
♥♥♥happy mail♥♥♥
Lookie what I found in my mailbox!!!!
Thanks Sparkle....I LOVE it!!!!
I'm such a card nerd...I cracked it open on Tuesday night and stared at it...fussed with it...analyzed's pure perfection...Sparkle's work is immaculate...right down to the bling on the pony tails...did you notice the glitter on the scarf? red & fav color combo:) Sparkle's detail work is stunning..subtle but packed with *POW*...I can learn alot from this girl...I'm the girl that dumps the glitter all over the card...LOL....Anyways, I think this card is:
Pure Perfection!