
Happy Monday!!!

Whatta weekend....filled with creativity...Avatar IMAX...and good sleep....I average 5 hours a night but this past weekend managed to get 8+ hours each night...woot woot!

Okay, onto some good stuff...

Check out


Oh boy, did I have some Jillibean fun with this sketch...

The heart in the middle is actually from Kitschy Digitals...love her stuff! The green strips are American Crafts...the 'hello' is making memories glittery alpha stickers. I love this sketch can see using it again and again!

Okay, check it out...I couldn't be happier for Courtney Baker...

I think it is fantastic that she has released this super set, Key to My Heart:

I can tell you that it stamps like a dream and is such a versatile set...Pssst.....she's coming out with a new set...stayed tuned...{muwahahaha....can you stand it?!!}

Hmmm...I'm certainly being a chatty cathy here....

Lookie what I received from my bloggin' buddy Laurel:

Laurel is all over bloggie land...she is literally on fire with all of her creations and recognition..such an inspiration to me!

I'm suppose to list 10 things that make me happy and pass this cutie pie award to other bloggers...here we go:

1. my kidlets

2. my man

3. my friends & family

4. a new found happiness...Glee...love it.

5. being creative...surprise, surprise

6. consistency....I'm a creature of habit and like consistency in my life...

7. new crafting goodies...sheesh, just going through a crafty store and seeing and touching everything is good too:)

8. I gotta pat myself on the back when I dehoard...

9. meeting new crafty peeps...oh boy, I love to surround myself with people that 'get it'..both IRL and in bloggie land:)

10. hearing my kids laugh...and them making me laugh...love it...

Okay, here goes...play if you like ladies...absolutely no pressure:) I'm trying to pick peeps that I haven't given a bloggie award to yet:

Aimes- gotta love this girl for her fabbie style

Elise-definitely a magnificent whipper snapper...I wish I could bottle his support & enthusiasm:)

Jane-talk about talented...this gal oozes talent

TesaB-love her style and that she's a diehard 365 Cards fan:)

Sparkle-this girl can COLOR...good grief.

I wish I could pick all my bloggie friends...you are all a source of fabulous inspiration to me...