
Happy Saturday!!!

If they predicted it is suppose to be glorious weather in the Pacific Northwest today...gotta LOVE that!!!

Check out Kazan's Sketch 47:

When I first saw it...I thought Coolio...I can do so much with this....when it came down to it I ended up making about 4 cards....nothing was "hitting me" and then I ultimately went back to my first creation...

added the poms & likey...LOL.

I hope that you all have a fabulous weekend...I'll be drawing for my blog candy and posting the winner sometime tomorrow for it:) I'll also share my 365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday Card...did you read about the newest team members?? woot woot!!! Welcome to the 365 Cards Family Ladies!!! I have been truly thankful for the wonderful friendships I've made through Design Teams....with the other Team Members and the people that thoroughly inspire me while they play along with the various challenges....thanks ladies...