sew cool...


Friday...gotta love Friday's!!!

Check it out...I've been playing with my October Afternoon Thrift Store pad!

This card was made especially for a co-worker of mine. She recently finished school and received her bachelor's how coolio is that?!!!! I LOVE hearing when peeps go back to school as takes a ton of dedication, especially working full time AND having a family...woot woot!!

All the pattern paper is October Afternoon...the twill is from SU, flair is ala American Crafts and of course the button is PTI...typing about PTI...I received my order and cannot wait to play with my new goodies this weekend!!!

My card for today was inspired by cardabilities sketch #2:

♥♥RAK Alert♥♥
Check out what the very lovely Gloria sent to me!!! Now how stinkin' SWEET is she??!!! LOVE the Asian inspired card and come one now...isn't that owlie tooooo fabbie??!!! Thanks made my day!!!

♥♥Take Note♥♥

A couple days ago I read an interesting post over on Savitri's blog...The Magic of Blogland...I highly recommend the read and there is more about Linda over on the Cocoa Daisy blog. I truly believe in the power of networking...the power of fellow bloggers...the power of well, women....when I read about Linda's story and her strength, I knew that I wanted to help out...maybe you will too...or maybe you'll take something else away from the stories you read...

Happy Early Mother's Day celebration, the
Jacksonbelle store is having a storewide 30% off sale through Sunday!!!

Have a super friday...come on back tomorrow...I'll have a Cutting Cafe give-a-way!!