winner...winner...chicken dinner...


Thanks to all of you that played in my May Blog Candy Give-a-Way!!!!

I loved reading the comments on both my regular post and my JBelle Design Team Feature post!!!

Ginormous Brownie Points to the 3 gals that played along with last weeks JBelle Inspiration Challenge:

Kim Mc


Carolyn V

{come one peeps...pop over to their blogs and leave them some blog love on their most gorgeous cards!}

Please send me your snail mails ladies...since you went the extra mile I'll be sending you a little goodie:)

Okay, remember my May Blog Candy?

I did it the old fashioned way and wrote down everyone's name that qualified via the 4 different ways...good grief, what was I thinking?? :) (Darin walked by and was wondering what in the heck I was working on:)

Drumroll please...

Ashley Nguyen Newell said...
Your card is super cute! I love the CAS style!
May 4, 2010 10:00 PM

Woot Woot Ashley!!!!!!!!

I was a lucky duck to have met Ashley at the Winter CHA....dang that girl is funny:) Okay girlie, send me your snail mail and I'll pop your goodies in the mail this week!!!

**side note**

Can someone let me know how I can do a cut/paste of the actual blog post comment {pic and all}...I see all you techie peeps doing that...

Okie Dokie...thanks for stoppin' by...sorry for the long Blog Candy post, call me 'Chatty Cathy'....make sure you pop over to my regularly scheduled post for today...Jacksonbelle's Tuesday Challenge is CAS....I hope that you'll play along with us!!

you are chair-ished...