

Going to make this speedy quick...I'm actually typing this up on Friday evening...I've been up for over 20 hours now and I'm super beat'ola....

I played with my Echo Park Summertime...should be getting the new line in a smidge...waiting patiently for my Walk in the Park kit to arrive...

Did you notice that the pinwheels are popped up...the blade part...I wanted to give it a sense of motion {oh yeah, and give me more room for the banner!}...the tiny alpha stickers are making memories and the pearls are by Want2Scrap...everything else is Echo Park.

I was inspired by Laura's sketch over on 2s4y:

If you haven't guessed already, I absolutely adore The Cutting Cafe's Sun Shaped Cutting File:

I love to outline the images with Black Copic...the sentiment is from SRM and did you notice the Heidi Swapp bling? All the patterned paper is by October Afternoon...

Wanted to make sure you knew that Regina is having a Design Team call over at The Cutting Cafe....she is FABulous to work with and designs the best stuff...

Okay peeps...I'll be back tomorrow with my 365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday card...we have another fabbie sponsor!!!