Oy, whatta week it has been....haven't been feeling 100% since last Thursday...even went to the doc to get meds that, well, made me feel even worse...ugh...so I'm trying to take it easy as I have a special birthday party that I'm going to tomorrow.....
It is a 95th birthday party tomorrow night...95th....okay, so it is for one of my friends that has turned 50 and another that will be turning 45...haha..multi-tasking party...do you know how difficult it is to get 7 women together...it is seriously like herding cats...crazy...
I had the best intentions to make everyone an invite but {sigh} when I got hit by this icky bug, I was using all the energy I could muster just to go to work...be a mom...be a soccer mom...yaddda yadda yadda...
I've teamed up the Lost & Found papers with a glittered bird from Schlosser Designs, Have A Tweet Day set. I should try something else with that image...seems like I'm always glittering it up with Martha glitter but I really like the look:)
I'm thrilled to see that Paige picked this up for the accordion flower challenge over on the Cards Blog:)
Next up is some Homespun Chic...
embrace the journey
Love that...this is going to one of the birthday girls tomorrow night...
I was inspired by the Card Patterns sketch 81:

:::Flashback Friday Reminder::::
Remember that you have until tonight at 11:59 pm PDT to link up by leaving me a comment on my latest Flashback Friday Challenge 2.0 post!
Check out the prize...

Thanks for stoppin' by!
TFIF! hope you feel better!
love your invite! i love the new MME lost and found! that's so next on my wishlist, too many wishes though, hehe. oo, love that vintagey card. love those colors. thanks for sharing and have a great friday and weekend! *hugs* steph :)
I'm so glad you're feeling much better...xx
BOTH are totally AWESOME!!!...b e a u t i f u l sista... love them..especially the 1st ones...
enjoy your PARTY...xx
The card is just so bright and sunshine... Love it :)
Hope you will get well soon. Guess everyone has been sick these days. Take care!
hope you're feeling better. have fun at the happy 95th!
P/s: Hope you feel better soon! Take care...thinking of you! :)
I LOVE that card that was noticed by CARDS. Simply awesome Amy...and not what I think of as your regular style.
Such fab cards! LOVE em! Hugs!
That MME line is unbelievable. So pretty I don't want to wreck it by cutting it - you, however, did a beautiful job!
Hugs Riet.x
love tasha xx
i am soooo far behind in my commenting so just took a look at all i have missed and all i can say is WOW!!
hope to stay caught up now........ like that is ever going to happen! lol
let me think about the flash back friday.............already did it and dreading, i mean looking forward to the next one lol :)
Hope you are feeling better now.
lost & found line is gorgeous ;)
love it!
love all your latest projects. back to look at more stuff.