Okay, as promised I'm back with my 'runner up blog candy' for everyone that was so kind to make a bid on my card that I posted for the Skipping Stones Design Blog 4 Boobies Susan G Komen Fundraiser!!!
Thanks to all of you that made a bid on my card...You gals are wonderful....thanks to everyone that visited me during the Skipping Stones Design Blog 4 Boobies Fundraiser, it means alot ot me...I appreciate the support!
Okay, okay...I'll get to the drawing...I used random.org:
sherryann (aka Sherry Eckblad) said...
What a fabulous post and to raise money for such a wonderful cause and end up with a fantastic card.You know I have to start the bidding with a $5 bid.
September 16, 2010 2:55 AM
Woot Woot Sherry!!!!!
She's the fabbie gal that started off the bidding for my card so a ginormous THANK YOU Sherry!!!