Skipping Stones Design Blog 4 Boobies/Susan G Komen Foundation Fundraiser update!!

Just a super speedy update on the Blog 4 Boobies Fundraiser for the Susan G Komen Foundation!

Remember my card?

...and the winning blog candy that went along with the card?

Well, I'm SUPER pleased to say that the VERY lovely Julie Tucker-Wolek is the WINNER!!!! Her bid of $20 was the highest AND I'll be matching her $20 so together we'll be donating $40...pretty good!!! Thanks sista!!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone that made a bid {I'll be drawing a name using of the others that placed a bid and will post that sometime tomorrow} and to all that hopped/bounced with us during the 2-day event. If you haven't had a chance to read the
"This is why we fight" blog post...I highly recommend it....