How are you doin'? I'm still trying to recuperate from the weekend...My girl had a soccer game that was about 150 miles round trip from where we live...that is for recreational soccer not competitive...oy.
I managed to get a ton of DT work done over the weekend, which is always good. I also squeaked out some pub subs {crossing my fingers...}...that is a treat for me since I never seem to be able to carve out time to submit and evidently I tend to have the "I work better under pressure motto" and leave things to the last minute...
Anywho's...I've been so {happily} slammed with DT work that I haven't been able to jump into very many challenges lately so I was happy to whip up this card:
The first thing to note is I inked up my HIGHLY neglected TGF Forest has been much too long...I stamped the deer on PTI kraft and surrounded her with October Afternoon goodness....the sentiment is ala A Muse. I stitched around the entire panel...can't seem to complete a card without stitching and my poor janome is getting old and tired...
I was inspired by Sasya's sketch 27:

I found the Sasya Sketch challenge blog via Dana and now Sherry's on the team too! You should check out the site...the design team is fabbie...such an international flair to it...the styles are all unique and wonderful, that's what makes up a great design team!
:::Skipping Stones Design News:::
Make sure you tune into Skipping Stones Design Blog tomorrow for the start of a very special 2-day event....You won't want to miss it...