Makin' a scene...

Happy glad that it is the weekend although, it'll be a busy one!  I have a couple things to share today...first up is my card...

I really enjoyed making this card...I've been really diggin' making scenery cards....The base is PTI kraft and all the other papers are MME except the blue paper is Crate.  I've been hoarding some Maya Road 'home' rub ons and they were perfect for this card...the chippie tree is Maya too!

There's awholelotta stitching going on too and I did it free form....haha...probably doesn't sounds like a big deal but I was typically hand cranking 'non-straight line stitching'....

I was absolutely inspired by the Moxie Fab World Tuesday Trigger, A Funky Fall:

Ahhh....dontcha love it...sooo serene and peaceful....I was inspired by:

1.  the colors
2.  the homes
3.  the scenery style

I also used chippie which makes it potentially feasible to enter my card into Kay Sibley's Chippie Challenge...nothing to fancy smancy but I did cover it with paper:)

Here's another organizational update!

Take note on this particular'll want to run out and pick one of these puppies up!  It's something that I bought at Target...
Check it out ladies....Good Grief, THEE perfect Thickers storage...

I feel horrible because I want to give credit to the wonderful blogger that had her thickers similarly stored but her's were in an awesome wicker basket...I even left her a comment that it was genius to store them on their side so that the letters didn't get creases in them etc...Ugh, memory is horrendous....please leave me a comment if you see this and its you that is the genius with the thickers storage so that I can give you the credit due...My storage isn't as sweet as a wicker basket but it works!

This is when I should probably add my PSA for Peachy Cheap and Big Lots...that's where a majority of my Thickers are from...I assure you, it pains me to pay regular retail on those puppies...